Within Walking Distance
For centuries Syburg is a very popular destination.
Many attractions are only a short walk away.
(SUP) combines experience of nature with fitness.
While pedestrians and cyclists crowd on the trails, you experience the landscape from the water: a completely new look on the beautiful countryside.
Whether theatre plays for children or for adults - with the open air theatre "Naturbühne Hohensyburg" you can experience theatre close up in the in the middle of a forest.
Two miniature golf courses are in walking distance:
Minigolf underneath the castle ruin Minigolf at Hohensyburgstraße (village center)
Casino Hohensyburg
Im Familienbad Hengstey fühlt sich wirklich die ganze Familie wohl. Die Badegäste kühlen sich unter dem Duschpilz im Nichtschwimmerbecken ab oder sausen die zwölf Meter lange Edelstahl-Breitrutsche herunter.
Kaiser-Wilhelm-I.-Monument of (former) westphalian county Mark, designed by Hubert Stier , 1893–1902. The equestrian statue and the larger than life figures of Otto von Bismarck, Helmuth von Moltke were made by sculptor Adolf von Donndorf. The since reconstruction (1935 - 1936) lost two statues of Kaiser Friedrich III. and Prinz Friedrich Karl were designed and manufactured by his son Karl Donndorf entworfen und ausgeführt.
(Source: Wikipedia)
The caste ruin
Stone age finds prove early presence of men in the Syburg area. First signs of settlement date back to Bronze Age (approx. 700 before Christ)
On the hill are the remains of altogether three castles. The eldest were build in 1100, the others were said to be built in the early Middle Ages.
(Source: Wikipedia)
St. Peter zu Syburg
The church is the eldest sacral building in Dortmund. A predecessor building of the present church was already mentioned in a document 776.
The church is a foundation of Charlemagne and was consecrated in 799 by Pope Leo III.
The Church is surrounded by a graveyard, where the probably eldest tombstones of the Ruhr Area can be found, dating of 9th century. Inside the church a merovingian and two carolingian gravestones are kept and a romanesque baptismal font (12th century, from the Bartholomäus Church in Lütgendortmund).
(Source: Wikipedia)